In his message, PBGEN ACORDA JR encourage the public as well as the remaining PNP personnel to participate in the National Vaccination Day and uplift the spirit of unity and cooperation working towards a pandemic free country and making Northern Mindanao a safer place to live and visit.
“You are all Heroes in this battle to end the Covid-19 pandemic who made it their responsibility to make our community better and for the next generation to come.” he added.
During the Monday Flag Raising, Medalya ng Papuri was awarded to PCOL ISAIAS A BACURNAY, JR, Medalya ng Kagalingan, PLT REYMAN L PONTILLAS and Plaque of Merit to PCpl John Louie A Ellevara.
In his guidance PBGEN ACORDA JR encourage his personnel to work professionally and with respect to the community,
“Habang tayo ay Nagsisilbi sa mamamayan, we always see to it that we carry our self in the most professional way, the way we think, the way we talk, the way we do things should not be marked with arrogance. Respect begets respect.”
Police Regional Office 10 is monitoring and evaluating the National Covid-19 Vaccination Day to achieve the expected zero percentage and ensure the public safety and peaceful process.###
PBGen. Benjamin Acorda Jr.
Source: RPIO PRO 10