The Headquarters of the Police Regional Office 10 is in Camp Alagar, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City which is on top a hilly area overlooking the heart of the city. The camp was named after the late Philippine Constabulary Officer, ILT VICENTE ALAGAR, who with his nine (9) men fully outnumbered, were killed in action in a hand to hand combat with the band of outlaws on September 9, 1932 at the height of the Jolo campaign. The exploit of the late ILT ALAGAR is a living legacy of the bravery and courage of the men and women in khaki uniform. The PC is true to its MOTTO: “ALWAYS OUTNUMBERED BUT NEVER OUTFOUGHT”.
The main innovation in the past years was the regionalization program which saw the 4 PC Zone set-up decentralized into 13 Regional Commands. This move harmonized the PC’s geographical jurisdiction and organizational structure with the regional set-up of the civil side of the government. In terms of management of resources and goal attainment , regionalization has made it possible to provide more effective logistical support to the field and closer supervision over units.
On January 1, 1991, RA 6975 otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Act of 1991 was effected, thereby deactivating the PC/INP and reorganizing it into the Philippine National Police. The basis of the Philippine National Police is the constitutional provision which states among others that there shall be one police force – national in scope and civilian in character.
Since the Regionalization of the PC/INP in 1978, forty (40) distinguished officers have commanded RECOM/PRO 10. They were:
The eight (8) stars represent the eight (8) units of the Command/Regional Office. While the green laurel symbolizes “authority” to enforce the law in order to maintain peace and order within the AOR of PRO 10. The logo is divided into two (2): the upper half represent the rural sector while the lower half represent the urban sector of PRO 10. The cattle represents the cattle raising and poultry business of Bukidnon and the coconut trees represent the coconut industry of Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Lanao del Norte and Misamis Occidental.
The ricefield represents the agricultural business of Misamis Oriental and Bukidnon and the islands represent the province of Camiguin. The ship represents the shipping industry of Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Occidental while the cement plants and factories represent the industrial sector of Iligan City. The PRO 10 logo was designated to represent the different sources of livelihood of the people under the AOR of PRO 10.
A. Region 10 Profile
1. General
The AOR of PRO 10 covers five (5) provinces, namely: Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental, and Misamis Oriental; two (2) highly urbanized cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan; seven (7) component cities of Oroquieta, Ozamis, Tangub all in Misamis Occ, Gingoog and El Salvador in Misamis Or, and Malaybalay and Valencia in Bukidnon; 84 municipalities; and 2,022 barangays. It has a population of 3,505,558 with a total land area of 19,279 sq. kilometers.
Bukidnon |
9,912 |
1,060,265 |
Camiguin |
238 |
74,232 |
Lanao del Norte |
2,849 |
473,062 |
Misamis Occ |
2,041 |
486,723 |
Misamis Or |
3,013 |
664,338 |
Cag de Oro City |
413 |
461,877 |
Iligan City |
813 |
285,061 |
19,279 |
3,505,558 |
2. Demography, Culture and Language
The people are a happy mixture of three (3) ethno-culture, namely: the Christians which are the predominant group, followed by the Muslims, and the cultural community groups. Almost 80% of the populace originate from Visayas region, 10% from Luzon, and 10% from the different parts of the country. Cebuano dialect is dominant in most places of the region.
3. Topography
The general topography of the region is characterized by rugged mountains ranges ( Mount Balatucan Mountain Range in Misamis Oriental, Mount Kitanglad and Kalatungan Mountain Ranges in Bukidnon, and Mt Malindang and Mt Ampiro Ranges in Misamis Occidental), coastal plains, plateaus, rivers which flows southward from Bukidnon towards Rio Grande in Cotabato. Misamis Oriental is traversed by rivers of various//88 forms and sizes which, aside from underground sources, help provide adequate water supply. Camiguin is an island which has volcanic origin and is famous with its Hibok-hibok volcano. Bukidnon is known for its plateaus and for Mt. Kitanglad – the second highest mountain in Mindanao. Misamis Occidental has vast tracks of rice land found in the plain along the coastal areas.
4. Natural Resources
The natural resources of the region are varied and plentiful. Among the important resources are fertile agricultural lands, pasture ranges, and a long stretch of coastal areas. Fishery resources abound in the bays of Macajalar and Gingoog. There are different species of fish being harvested in the coast of the region, most abundant of which are anchovies and coastline frigate tuna. Shark is also abundant in the region. The mineral found in the region is manganese and chromite. Limestone is abundant and is largely used for agricultural and cement. Small scale gold mining was also discovered in the region. Misamis Oriental is one of the leading provinces in terms of mineral resources. Shale, an important material for cement is abundant in the province. The region’s established timberland is still more that 300,000 hectares.
5. Economy
Region is predominantly agricultural. Among the major source of livelihood of the people in the region are farming, (producing rice in low land while corn, sugarcane , pineapples and other agro-industrial plants in the highlands, plateaus and rolling valleys), vegetables to include tomatoes in some cold places in the provinces of Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental while Camiguin is famous of their sweet lanzones and other tropical fruits that attracts businessmen and tourist to visit the island. The fishing villages which strung along the region’s northern coast reflect the importance of the area’s fishery resources to its economy. The province of Misamis Oriental and Iligan City are the industrial centers of the region because of the central geographic location, large open bays, deep harbors, port facilities and road network which allow inland and inter-island linkages. Misamis Oriental is also considered the distribution center of Region 10. Bukidnon, Lanao Norte, and Misamis Occidental are the food baskets; Iligan City is where hydro-electric power, steel and metals are based; and Camiguin as the tourist Mecca of the region. Development within and outside the region has contributed to further strengthen the foundation of its economic growth with the presence of the higher institutions of learning, relatively stable peace and order condition, and improved telecommunication facilities. The relatively cheap hydro-electric power has created vast opportunities for processing raw materials locally and the eventual industrialization of the region.. Although put on hold, the national government has identified the Cagayan de Oro-Iligan Corridor as the 9th industry magnets out of 10 areas. According to their findings, the Cagayan de Oro-Iligan Corridor is heavy industrial center of the south. It is an ideal location for investments in agri-industry, basic metals, chemicals, construction and infrastructure. The area offers proximity to major Asian trading posts, a pool of professionals, abundant raw materials, good social and economic infrastructure, a rapid growing industrial and agri-industrial base and well-planned theme parks.
6. Climate
The area is relatively typhoon-free. Camiguin, the easternmost part of Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental have no dry season and have very pronounced rainfull from November to January. In the central and western part of Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental to include Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City and most part of Lanao and Misamis Occidental, the climate is relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year.
7. Political Profile
Cagayan de Oro City is the political center of the region being the host of several government agencies that has regional offices in the area. It is also the home of some of the regions prominent and known personality in the national politics like Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo whose ascendants hail from Iligan City, Misamis Oriental is the home of former Vice President Teofisto Guingona and former Vice President Emmanuel Pelaez., and former Senate President Aquilino Pimentel Jr. is a resident of Cagayan de Oro City.
8. Local Government
The governors of the five (5) provinces in Region 10 are at the same time Chairmen of their respective Provincial Peace and Order Councils. Likewise, the City/Municpal Mayors are Chairmen of the respective City/Municipal Peace and Order Councils. The Barangay Chairmen also head their respective Barangay Peace and Order Committees. The national government agencies and institutions have offices in every province and municipality such as the Department of Agriculture, Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Health, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Education, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Justice, Department of Tourism, Department of Public Works and Highways, COMELEC, BIR, Bureau of Post, and others.
B. The Police Regional Office 10
The PNP Regional Office 10 is headed by a Regional Director who is the highest and the over-all PNP Commander in the area. He is assisted by two (2) deputies, one for administration and one for operations. The Regional Chief Directorial Staff directly supervises the six (7) divisions: the Personnel and Human Resource Development, Intelligence, Operations and Plans, Logistics, Police Community Relations, Comptrollership, and Investigation and Detection Management.
Directly under the Regional Director are the five (5) Provincial Police Offices in Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Occidental and Misamis Oriental each headed by a Provincial Director; two (2) City Police Offices in Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City each headed by City Director and one (1) Regional Public Safety Battalion (RPSB) headed by a Battalion Commander. PRO 10 has a total of 84 Municipal Police Stations and 22 City Police Stations (15 from high-urbanized cities and 7 from component cities).
For purposes of counter-insurgency operations and enforcement of special laws beyond the routine anti-criminality and related peace and order functions, a batallion size RPSB is created with four (4) Regional Public Safety Manuever Companies (RPSMCs) and one (1) Combat Support Unit (CSU). Also, there are eight (8) Provincial Public Safety Companies (PPSCs) in the provincial level and two (2) City Public Safety Companies (CPSCs) in the city level as their counterparts. Only Camiguin province has a Provincial Public Safety Platoon (PPSP) instead of PPSC.
Bukidnon PPO |
Camiguin PPO |
Lanao del Norte PPO |
Misamis Occ PPO |
Misamis Or PPO
Cag de Oro CPO |
Iligan CPO |
10th RMFB |
The Regional Office 10 is assisted by the PNP Regional Administrative and Operational Support Units, namely:
1) Regional Medical and Dental Unit 10
2) Regional Communications & Electronics Unit 10
3) Regional Highway Patrol Unit 10
4) Regional Maritime Unit 10
5) Regional Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit 10
6) Aviation Security Unit 10
7) Regional Intelligence Unit 10
8) Regional Forensic Unit 10
9) Regional Finance Service Office 10
10) Regional Police Escort Unit 10
11) Regional Anti-Cybercrime Unit 10
12) Regional Chaplain Office 10
13) Regional Engineering Unit 10
14) Regional Civil Security Unit 10
15) Regional Recruitment and Selection Unit 10
16) Regional Training Center 10
17) Regional Information Technology Office 10
18) Regional Special Operation Unit 10
19) Regional Police Community Affairs and Development Unit 10
20) PNP Retirement and Benefits Unit 10